What can brown do for you? Deliver you some of that sticky icky icky, apparently. Two United Parcel Service delivery men were arrested after being caught delivering 30 pounds of marijuana in Brooklyn, according to narcotics police.

Police were tipped off by another UPS employee around 5:30 AM Thursday morning that the package containing 3 five-gallon water jugs full of marijuana was being delivered by UPS driver Alexis Herv, alongside off-duty driver Ruben Jordan.

The cops were allegedly tipped off by another UPS employee.

Herv and Jordan met a third man, Donovan Hyde, who was waiting for them in a parked Chrysler minivan.

Police observed them unloading the water jugs, as well as a large cardboard box filled with weed, into the minivan making taking the three men into custody.

Herv and Jordan were charged with criminal sale and criminal possession of marijuana, while Hyde was charged with marijuana possession.
