Are you ready for the next ultimate gaming experience? Sony is on their way to the promised land after officially announcing “Project Morpheus,” a virtual reality headset for the PlayStation 4.

Despite the fact that the PS4 and the Xbox One are both pretty awesome gaming systems, I think it’s fair to say that they didn’t totally reinvent the ultimate gaming experience like we thought they would.

They’re still lacking a few key features. Whenever you think something is truly advanced, technologically speaking, you need to ask yourself if the Jetsons would use it. If the answer is no, then there’s probably nothing “ultimate” about it!

Thanks to Sony, however, things are looking up and we might all finally be getting that futuristic, advanced technology that we wanted from our next-gen systems anyway. If you know anything about the Oculus Rift, it’s pretty similar to that, however, Project Morpheus’ design is sleeker, cleaner and sexier.

There haven’t been any demo videos showing exactly what this thing can do, but we do know that Sony’s working on it because there are some games already being created to work with it, like God of War, EVE Valkyrie and Thief.

Project Morpheus’ technical specs include a field view of about 90 degrees, full-head tracking, 3D audio support, on-board headphone jacks and apparently puts no weight on users’ noses or cheeks.

In terms of pricing and availability, there has been no word on either of those, but we’re sure Sony will release a few more specifics in time.

So far, it seems that Sony is ahead of Microsoft as far as the advancement of video gaming as a whole is concerned. The Wii didn’t really do it for us. The Sims can only replicate real-life to a certain extent. All we really need is a solid, functional, strikingly realistic virtual reality system.
