
Playboy magazine put its legendary mansion up for sale this past Monday in the latest of a series of moves as the company readjusts to the decreasing demand for nude content on print. The five-acre West Los Angeles estate has been under Hugh Hefner’s ownership since 1971 when he purchased it for $1 million USD, but its value has since skyrocketed due to the site’s extensive history, never mind the area’s increasing land values. The 29-room mansion is priced at a whopping $200 million USD, though realtors have agreed that the figure is inflated despite all the amenities it has to offer. According to a report on ABC News, any deal struck would also be under the condition that Hef would still be able to live and work in the residence with or without rent. What do you guys think? Does the mansion’s game house, wine cellar, gym, tennis court, four-bedroom guesthouse and zoo license (no, seriously) make it worth the money?