Denzell Terrell is a independent RNB artist out of Harrisburg, PA whose name should never be excluded from rnb talk here in our city! He is a singer, songwriter, producer, multi instrumentalist campaigning passion and love for the culture of RNB. Denzell is proud to announce his freshmen visual Ep “Pursuit to Prevail”. The EP conisist of 5 songs and each record is laced with thought, nostalgic elements, eye candy and a creative approach to capture the essence of every city that was visited. This self produced project is extremely well put together and most likely to be remembered as a Classic and the first of its kind ever from any Central PA artist. So Harrisburg City let’s come together and support our own and encourage him to keep running the marathon! As an artist it’s nothing like having your city behind you. He certainly is up next! You can follow Denzell on instagram @denzellterrell or visit his website https://www.denzellterrell.com