Everyone has big dreams of going into college and it seems as though the vast majority still believe they’re going to do incredible things that will change the world upon graduation.

In fact, two thirds of new college grads are under the impression that they will do something that will vastly change the world.

As reported by the Huffington Post, a study by Net Impact surveyed “currently-enrolled college students and college-graduates across three generations” and looked at the differences in their priorities.


The study of Millennials, Gen X-ers and Baby Boomers showed that students hold having a prestigious career in high regard, with the vast majority believing they will make a positive social or environmental impact through future work.

With people already in the work force, financial security and marriage were their main concerns, as well as having children.

When the reality of being in the work force sinks in, the dreams of being a force in the community and acquiring massive wealth subside and take a backseat to more immediate priorities, like starting and raising a family.

65% of students consider it “very important or essential” to “make a better world” compared to 51% of workers.

The main question as a result from these statistics: is this a generational difference or an occupational difference?

The starkest disparity between the generations was found in the fields of trust and generosity.

60% of Millenials believe “mostly, people are just looking out for themselves,” whereas 59% of Baby Boomers believe “mostly, people try to be helpful.”

The differences between the generations, those in the work force compared to students, are fascinating to say the least and may reflect upon the direction in which society will move once Millenials take the spots of the Baby Boomers in the workforce.

Via Huffington Post