Whether you’re a college freshman or college senior, you’ve likely experienced or at least heard of hookup culture before. The more recent development of hookup culture comes from the shift in common dating practices. Today’s millennial and gen z generations have altered traditional
forms of dating and have begun what’s known as hookup culture; the inability to commit to a serious relationship in their young adult years, and instead prefer finding a partner or multiple partners to hook up with and avoid sharing any emotional connection. If you prefer to partake in hookup culture, keep reading for a step-by-step guide on how you can do it safely while in college.

Ensure Sexual Wellness
First things first, when it comes to dating and hookups in college, you need to make sure you’re sexually healthy if you plan on being intimate with another person. Sometimes though, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of hookup culture and you might forget where to start when it comes to sexual health.
Here is a checklist if you need a refresh:
❏ Brush up on your knowledge of consent and how to ask your partner
❏ Maintain proper hygiene and regularly visit the doctor for sexual health check-ups
❏ Get tested for STIs at least every six months or every time you switch sexual partners
❏ Speak with your doc to find what protection and/or contraception works best for you
❏ Seek help for any sexual dysfunctions or difficulties

While using protection in bed and getting tested regularly may be pretty self-explanatory and easy to mention to a doctor, sexual difficulties are not always the same case. If you’re experiencing any problems in bed, like performance anxiety or a low sex drive, consider what your options are. For men with trouble maintaining an erection because of anxiety or even too much alcohol, consider using Sildenafil to help combat erectile dysfunction and increase blood flow to the penis. Ladies who experience any sexual difficulties like vaginal dryness can consider using lube or a vaginal cream. For difficulties beyond these, consider speaking with a professional sex therapist to effectively solve personal complications in the bedroom.
Protect Yourself
A popular tool when it comes to dating in college is online dating apps and social media. The internet is a convenient and easy way to meet new people, but it’s important to make sure you protect yourself and your privacy from predators. For example, catfishers, or people who pretend to be someone or something they’re not online are still something you need to look out for even with all of the safety features of dating apps. In order to keep yourself safe, keep an eye on your digital footprint. Ensure that your personal social media accounts are private, that you know who’s following you, and that you don’t post anything that could reveal where you live
or where you frequently go.
In your dating profile, use the same precautions, and also be careful when it comes to matching with someone and deciding to meet up in person. If you plan to go on a date with someone that doesn’t have any mutual friends and you know nothing about them, always let a friend know your plans and share your phone location with them so they can make sure you’re safe. It’s also a good idea to have a code word with your friends so you can text them in a pinch and they know to help you out of any situation. For immediate protection, consider using a personal safety alarm to set off a siren if you’re ever in danger on a date and need faster help.

Know Hookup Etiquette
Everyone has their own interpretation of what it means to hookup, so be sure to know the general hookup etiquette guidelines when it comes to dating in college. Typically, dating culture at a university is more casual and people aren’t usually looking for anything serious. This means that you may get ghosted from time to time and that’s okay, it happens to the best of us. One night stands are common and to best protect your feelings, you should keep your expectations low. Hookup culture also means that if you are actively seeing someone, you may not be exclusive unless both people involved explicitly say so. It’s a tricky scene to navigate in college, so if hookup culture just doesn’t seem right for you, consider using an online dating service for those looking for something serious. You could also let the person you’re seeing know what your intentions are so you can weed out the ones who aren’t the right fit for your desired dating situation. At the end of the day, dating in college is supposed to be fun and carefree so don’t take yourself too seriously. Hookup culture isn’t for everyone though, so always be sure to put yourself first and don’t lower your standards to fit in with the crowd. Instead, engage in the dating scene that makes the most sense for you and your well-being.