First thing’s first: Smart screwed up. This was a really dumb move. Down 2 points with 6 seconds left, Smart couldn’t afford to get a technical foul.

This is a sophomore player, who should have been through all this once before. Smart should be a leader, and act with poise and control. His future employers definitely watched this happen.

That said, I just can’t agree with the announcer who said that what Smart did was disgusting. That Texas fan looked absolutely gleeful to have successfully baited Marcus Smart.

I empathize with Smart; I too have dealt with heckling fans when I really wished I could just zing the ball at them in the crowd. In an intense game, emotions can run high. Adrenaline and testosterone don’t exactly combine for the most level-headed judgement.

The fan here is Jeff Orr, a Texas Tech superfan who travels to most of Tech’s away games. Allegedly Orr called Smart a “n—-r.”

I think Smart should possibly be suspended for one game, regardless of what Orr said. At the same time I don’t judge him too harshly.

H/t: Huffington Post