When asked about North Korean Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un, Dennis Rodman said: “I love him. He’s awesome” Incorrect, Dennis. He is most certainly NOT awesome. In fact, he threatened to destroy the entire United States. That type of sh*t is typically frowned upon here.

I guess you missed that memo…along with the ones stating that perpetually beating your wife, trying to impregnate Madonna, marrying yourself, or kicking cameramen in the testicles might also be frowned upon.


And wait. You love him? Pause. Many people wait weeks, months, before mustering up the courage to tell their significant others that they love them. However, you casually drop blasé love confessions to psychotic Korean men? He’s not awesome, you’re awesome.

When asked about 4x MVP, 2x Olympic gold, NBA champion, LeBron James, Dennis Rodman said:

“If LeBron was playing in the late ’80s or early ’90s, he’d be just an average player”
Um. Wrong again, Mr. Rodman. I guess it all makes sense now, why TNT never responded to your audition tapes. You’re a kook. LeBron James would be average playing in the late ‘80s? You said Larry Bird was overrated in the late ‘80s, because he was white, is LeBron overrated because he’s black? So essentially, according to Rodman’s analysis, unless your body is fully inked, hair is fully dyed, and nose and lips are fully pierced — you’re overrated in the “Book of Rodman.”

I must say, I’m impressed with Dennis Rodman. Not many people have called the two greatest small forwards in the history of basketball overrated, in one lifetime. I think at this point in the game, whatever words come out of Rodman’s mouth (or ideas out of his brain, or lack thereof), it’s safe to assume (or do) the opposite. As a matter of fact, I think the world would be a much better place if the old adage, “What would Jesus do?” was dropped for “What wouldn’t Dennis Rodman do?”

Look, on a more serious note. I could relate with the underlying theme behind Rodman’s assessment of LeBron James. Yeah, there really are no defensive stoppers in the game today (the likes of Rodman, Pippen, Jordan), let alone all on the same team (the Bulls from ’96-’98). So yeah, LeBron theoretically would’ve had his hands full if his current Miami Heat team ever squared off against the Bulls of that era. The sad truth is, this will never happen — and that doesn’t give you the right to neg the world’s best player.

Average? Dennis, the word average (among probably many others in the English dictionary), you know absolutely nothing about. LeBron would’ve eaten the league alive in the ‘80s, physically speaking (he would’ve been the NBA equivalent of freakin’ Spike from “Little Giants”). Dennis, be quiet when adults are speaking.

Via Elite