Kevin Hart was called out by Vine star DCYoungFly, and instead of ignoring him, the “Let Me Explain” star called out the Atlanta-based comedian with a series of epic hashtags. DCYoungFly began by posting an Instagram video, ripping Kev’s height, among other attributes.
It didn’t take long before the “Ride Along” star posted a photo of DCYoungFly with the caption:
“Ok @DCYoungFly you did this to yourself…. I’m about to HashTag destroy you pimp #WhYDoYouHaveTheTransformerSymbolinTheMiddleOfYourFace #YouHaveTheChestOfaTeenageWhiteGirl #YoFrontTeethLookLikeWhiteDressShoes #WhyDoYouHaveWareHouseVentilationPipesInYourProfilePic #WhatThugSmilesInHisProfilePic #YourFaceDoesntMatchYourTattoos #ANyMaNWithAneckTattooAintGoneMakeItInLife #BetMyLifeYouStillLiveWithYourMom #WhereIsYourFurniture #YourTattooLooksLikeAsh*tStain #YourTattooLooksLikeAdirtyThumbPrint #ImSendingYouaSh*tLoadOfTurtlenecksToCoVerUpThatDumbassTattoo.”
Check out Kevin’s photo and DCYoungFly’s video in the above slide and let us know what you think.
Source: Instagram