Usain Bolt likes his races fast and his food faster, proclaiming that he delved into some McDonald’s fare before he ran a 9.63-second 100-meter race.

Metro (h/t BroBible) reports the fastest man at the London Olympics loves himself some fast food and doesn’t mind letting the world know.

The ball is now in your court for the obvious commercial spots, McDonald’s. Here is what Bolt had to say:

…he (Bolt) has revealed he was powered on not by special energy drinks or gels, but by a McDonald’s wrap.
‘It had vegetables in it, so don’t judge me!’ he joked.

‘I had some plaintains, some hash browns, fruit, then a wrap from McDonald’s. For lunch I had rice and pork and some apple juice.’

He also admitted he had ‘had a few nuggets’ from McDonald’s during his stay in the Olympic village, dispelling the myth that top athletes need a strict and balanced diet to be successful.

McDonald’s truly is a great place to dine. It gives me 10 minutes of bliss and a buzz that will get me through another FIFA match or the first segment of an Arrested Development rerun.

After that, I am hit with a general malaise that lasts a few hours where my stomach hurts, exhaustion sets in and extreme guilt hits as I look at the saddest thing in the world: an empty box where a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese once existed.

Apparently, I need to just fight through that and get to the other side of the wall, because Olympic records are to be found.

Really, this is just fuel for us junk-food junkies to expel when we are looked upon with judging eyes.

Next time you roll up to the counter at a McDonald’s, state to the world that you will indeed super-size those damn fries. Hell, slap on something from the extra value meal (a menu I love to refer to as cheap treats).

If anyone scoffs, just tell them Usain Bolt eats this stuff. Disregard any mention of eating in moderation.
